March Upcoming Events

In the Library Display Cabinet for March and April -Magdalena Herreshoff will be displaying her limited edition handmade books with original art and poetry Magdalena was born in Holland and when she was 16, her family immigrated to the U.S. where she has spent most of her adult life. In 2011, nearing 70 years of age and ready for one last adventure, she and her husband moved to the Andes in Ecuador, where they lived for 12 years. In 2023 they returned to Lummi Island to be with family.

Magdalena’s poetry/art books (most of them modeled after the simplicity of the 17th Century chapbook) are held in Special Collections at the University of Washington in Seattle and in book art collections.

Island Book Club – Everyone’s welcome to Island Library’s book club which meets at 11 am on the fourth Thursday of each month in the Hanson Room. We read a mix of fiction and nonfiction with an emphasis on well-developed characters and rich settings. Library manager, Erin Suda, facilitates. Meets monthly on the fourth Thursday. Thursday, (March 27), 11:00 – 12:00 in the Hanson room.

Library Budget Listening Session – WCLS administrators will review the library system’s budget forecast and ask community members for their input about the library services that matter most to them and their families and their suggestions about how to move towards fiscal sustainability. Each session will include a brief presentation followed by a Q&A and hands-on interaction and discussion. Saturday., Mar 1st, 3:00 – 4:30 PM.

Whatcom Reads Presents: Book Discussion with Erica Bauermeister – Join us at the Lummi Island Grange Hall for a lively discussion with this year’s featured Whatcom READS author, Erica Bauermeister. Lummi Island bears a suspicious resemblance to a nameless island featured in this year’s book, No Two Persons so it’s only fitting that we gather there to talk about it. Space is limited and registration is required. This will be held at the Lummi Island Grange Hall. Thursday, Mar. 13th, 11:00 – 12:30.

A Chat with Sheriff Tanksley –Sheriff Tanksley “Tank” will discuss and answer your questions on topics such as law enforcement, emergency management, community caretaking, availability of resources, and crisis intervention . Saturday, Mar 15th, 6:30 – 8:00 PM.

A Musical Evening at the Library – Join us for a special musical evening at the library featuring coffee-house-style music performed by a variety of Island musicians. In conjunction with the music, there will be a Baked Goods sale to benefit FOIL. So, please bring some of your own goodies to share. Saturday, March 22, 7:00 – 8:30 PM.

Senior Services with Northwest Regional Council – Sign up for a one-on-one meeting with Stacy Malone Miller or one of her associates from Northwest Regional Council to discuss your eligibility for in-home care, caregiver support, non-emergency health care transportation, and other senior services. Meetings will be held at Island Library on the second Thursday of January, February and March. Register at or at the Island library for a half hour appointment. Drop-ins will be accommodated if space is available. Thursday, Mar. 13thth, 2:00 – 4:00 PM.

Kokedama Plant Workshop – Explore the unconventional free form growing practice of kokedama! Participants will create their own kokedama using epiphytic plants, discuss which plants are best suited for growing without a pot, and chat about caring for and maintaining kokedama. All materials provided. Please note: This technique can be challenging and the use of fine motor skills is helpful. If you would like more information about this, please contact Spaces are limited and registration is required. Saturday, March 15th, 1:00 – 2:30 at the Grange.

Island Story Time – For ages 2-6, 30 minutes. An open program that includes stories, rhymes, and songs with opportunities for movement and interactive participation. Meets every Saturday at 10:30 AM until May.

Collage and Conversation – Join your friends and neighbors for an afternoon of collage and conversation with Sam Wallin at Island Library. You will get hands-on practice working on a small collage project to take home. Sam has been making and sharing collages for about 12 years and will share some of the tips and techniques he’s learned and some common and uncommon tools he uses.  Get creative and make use of materials that would otherwise go into a recycling bin or landfill.Spaces are limited and registration is required. Thursday, March 27th, 1:00 – 3:00 PM.

The Friends of Island Library( FOIL) is a local non-profit that owns the Island Library property; supports the Library through fundraising and promoting the purposes and activities of the Island Library and its community.

The FOIL Board meets monthly on the third Monday of the month. The next meeting will be March 17th at 6:00 PM at the library.

If you’d like to support FOIL’s work, financial donations can be sent to PO Box 204,or made through Paypal.